4 Ways to Beat End-of-Year Fatigue

Do you feel exhausted, overloaded, and less productive at this time of year? It isn't just you. According to experts, you're one of the thousands of people suffering from "end-of-year fatigue," a genuine phenomenon that causes people to feel fatigued, annoyed, and stressed as the year comes to a close. These methods may assist you in overcoming the tiredness that comes with the end of the year.

1. You must concentrate.

How can we focus better when we are continually bombarded with work? Make it a habit to schedule time in your calendar to finish a certain task or activity. Request to be left alone, or go to an area where people are less likely to annoy you, including a library, a coffee shop, or even a private room.

2. You should get some rest.

Sleep deprivation can cause exhaustion, which has a negative influence on your mood, attention, attentiveness, and productivity. A certain amount of sleep is required for brain regeneration. Each night, aim for 7-9 hours of continuous sleep. Clean up the clutter, provide comfy bedding, and switch off the TV and phone to ensure your bedroom promotes relaxation and sleep.

3. You must plan ahead of time.

When we attempt to perform many activities at once, we feel more productive. This, however, may result in a loss of focus, poor concentration, and lower productivity. Reduced productivity can lead to burnout. Make a list of the important tasks you need to get done the next day before going to bed. The to-do list should be concise and useful.

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