
Chronic stress is a major problem.

We live in a stressed-out world, and it is doing damage to our health. Chronic stress is at the foundation of many of today's problems. If we want to enhance our health, we should begin by decreasing our stress levels.

Here are 3 simple strategies to handle chronic stress and why it is so detrimental.

Acute Stress vs. Chronic Stress

The main concept to grasp here is that acute stress is not harmful and can even be beneficial (i.e., hormetic stressors), but chronic stress creates problems for our health.

We are designed to handle short-term stress. For example, fleeing from a predator. We are not designed to deal with chronic stress. For example, working with a stressful boss every day, all day. It's easy to understand why the latter might be an issue. It never stops.

The Issue of Chronic Stress

Stress that persists over time is not only unpleasant, but it is also bad for our health. Constantly being worried and on edge is taxing on the body and mind. When we're stressed, so many things happen in our bodies that aren't intended to happen for lengthy periods of time.

Another effect of persistent stress is that it is difficult to maintain our excellent behaviors. Stress is exhausting and consuming, as I'm sure you've experienced. When you're anxious, you may also feel compelled to miss the gym, snack on unhealthy meals, and stay up late watching TV or browsing social media.

Solutions for Dealing with Chronic Stress

1. Making Stress Reduction a Habit

Although we can't always avoid these long-term stresses (we need to work, take care of our families, etc.), people can be successful at managing them and thereby safeguarding our health. We must incorporate stress-relieving activities into our daily routines. 

2. Discovering Purpose

Realizing the deeper meaning behind whatever is distressing might be beneficial.

Assuming your employer is a source of stress for you. Reminding yourself that you have this work so that you can support your family and provide a wonderful life for your children is an effective strategy to decrease the impact of stress. You can figure out why you're going through this and how it will benefit you.

When you're feeling overwhelmed by stress, try zooming out.

3. Achieving 'Enough'

We live in a scarcity society, which is one of the reasons why people are so stressed.

Whatever we accomplish, we will always feel as if it is insufficient. I didn't make enough money, I didn't get enough sleep, and I didn't put in enough effort on the project.

"Never enough" diverts our attention away from what we do have.

This is quite distressing. In terms of stress levels, this is the habit with the biggest return on investment in my experience. You will relieve a lot of tension if you can be sympathetic to yourself and make an effort to discover what is going well in your life and how much you have done.

Consider what is bringing you the greatest stress right now. There's a strong possibility it has something to do with not doing enough at work, not being enough at home, or not having enough (money, material goods, time, health, etc.).

Happiness is viewed as a distant possibility in our scarcity-based world. Something we can achieve after putting forth enough effort and saving enough money.

However, this is continually changing. We obtain the money that we believed would be more than enough, and we want more. The goal will never be reached.

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