Technology transforming the way we communicate

The way we connect with one another has been completely changed by technology. We've progressed from writing handwritten letters to connecting instantaneously with everyone on the planet via text, email, and social media in only a few couple of years. Below are 6 ways that technology has transformed how we communicate.

1. We communicated more frequently, but over shorter periods.

We're used to being able to contact whomever we want at any time of day because of the popularity of messaging programs like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and iMessage. Because we can contact someone immediately, we tend to interact in shorter periods than if we were sending an email or letter.

This shift is most visible in the way young people communicate; they are considerably more inclined to send a fast "text speak" message rather than write down extended words or phrases.

2. Our new best friends are bots and AI-powered assistants.

As artificial intelligence improves at understanding human conversation, we're seeing an increasing number of AI-powered chatbots and assistants hit the market.

We may now ask our bank's chatbot about our account balance, ask Alexa for the weather forecast, or speak with a salesman on an artificial intelligence-powered website. And, as AI improves its understanding of human communication, these types of encounters will become more widespread.

3. We Can Stay Connected Thanks to Fixed Wireless Internet and NBN.

More than ever, being able to stay connected is important in today's always-on society. Whenever it matters the most, NBN and fixed wireless internet from companies like Swoop help people stay connected, whether they are working from home or keeping in touch with loved ones abroad. People are now able to accomplish more of what they love without worrying about getting disconnected because of extremely fast speeds and dependable connections.

4. Visuals are playing a bigger role in our communication.

People are now interested in receiving information that is presented in a visually appealing way, as seen by the growth of visual social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. And, as people consume more visual information online, businesses will need to modify their communications by including more visuals in their advertising material, web content, and so on.

5. We're Getting More Comfortable To talk with Strangers (at least online).

With the growth of social media, it is now simpler than ever to interact with individuals from all over the world who have the same interests. And, as online communication grows more widespread, we're less afraid to reach out and interact with strangers online (even if we've never met in person).

6. We anticipate more rapid responses to our communications.

With the popularity of instant messaging applications these days, we've grown accustomed to receiving near-immediate answers to our messages (within seconds or minutes). But when it comes to other types of communication, such as email or phone conversations, our expectations haven't altered all that much; we still anticipate a relatively speedy answer, even though it may take hours or even days for someone to respond.


Overall, it is apparent that technology is significantly altering the way we connect with one another. We've grown accustomed to being able to connect instantaneously with anybody on the planet, but this convenience has come at the expense of shorter attention spans and higher demands for immediate replies.

In order to stay up with these developments, businesses will need to pay greater attention not only to what customers say, but also to how they say it. After all, it's not just what we say, but also how we say it.

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